From Thwarted to Thriving

October 7, 2022
Jared Miller

Big Apple Region

Class of 2024

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When I first got installed as Ruach AZA’s 41st chapter Godol I knew that Ruach was in trouble. I was elected, as a sophomore, onto a one-person board in a chapter in which there were only two active members. I, along with everyone else in the region, thought that Ruach was going to fold before the end of the term.  Nonetheless, I still tried to get the chapter back onto its feet, but to no avail. Our chapter kick-off had three people and the program only lasted for half of the intended time. This was not helped by the fact that our JCC did not think the chapter warranted taking up prime real estate in their center so we had no set meeting place.

Then one day, I was looking through old pictures, and I found a picture of my chapter inductions from years past. There were SO many people in the picture. I recognized family friends, my old camp counselors, people from my building; there were just so many people! I couldn’t believe it.

But the part that hit home the most was the fact that it was an induction. I saw that the board was putting the fate of their heart and home into the new generation which they were inducting. I realized that I was the product of that chain of trust, and I decided that it would not end with me. Seeing this picture gave me an immense drive of motivation. I started working harder, spending hours crafting programs, trying to get anyone involved that I could, and trying to make Ruach that best that it could possibly be. And eventually, I am proud to say that Ruach is now the strongest AZA chapter in BAR, and we took home more chapter awards than any other AZA chapter for that year, including the acclaimed Tree of Life Award.

I am so happy that I didn’t give up and I am looking forward to Ruach’s future.

I guess the moral of my story is that no matter how bad things look for your chapter, there is always hope and the possibility for revival at the end of the tunnel as long as you work hard enough.

Jared Miller is an Aleph from Ruach AZA #2388 and he loves going to the movies.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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