IC Global Ambassadors Week will take place approximately between Sunday, February 9, 2025, to Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (dates are subjective to each community). Specific travel information will be provided by your local BBYO professionals or partner agency staff.
Participación de los adolescentes en el CI
IC is for every Jewish teen around the world—members, elected leaders, BBYO Summer Experiences alumni, and any teen interested in joining BBYO. IC is open to teens in 9th through 12th grade who are current members* of BBYO. Any BBYO member can join in the fun regardless of prerequisite experience or level of involvement.
We’re expecting a record number of Alephs and BBGs in Denver. IC 2024 hosted 3,700 teen delegates representing over 45 countries. We anticipate IC 2025 will set new records in attendance, with a waitlist anticipated, so be prepared to register on launch night: Wednesday, October 9!
*Teens based in the United States and Canada must be registered BBYO members before signing up for IC. Prospective members in the U.S. can sign up here and prospective members in Canada should reach out to their regional offices or contact us to sign up.
Participación de los adultos en el CI
There are many opportunities for supporters, alumni, parents, partners, and friends to experience the magic of IC. These include an annual gathering of communal leaders enthusiastic about Jewish teen life, an immersive experience for BBYO's stakeholders and supporters, volunteers, partnership opportunities, and a series of alumni events throughout the weekend. Many partner agencies also hold concurrent events for teens and stakeholders throughout the weekend.
If you are a local community advocate for BBYO, a BBYO FAN Leader, a parent, and/or an alum who would like to attend or staff IC, you can learn about the opportunities we have through our Host Region and Adult Participation portals (coming soon!).
Interested in partnering with us for IC 2025? Please email BBYO’s Partnership Outreach Director, Ariel Rosen.
This website will be updated regularly with information about registration, scholarship, travel, program announcements, and all the details about IC you’ll need to know. You can also follow updates on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram with the hashtag #AZABBGIC2025.
For members of the BBYO family across Rocky Mountain Region (RMR), including parents, alumni, and community members, you can find opportunities to host, volunteer, partner, and more on the IC Host Region page (coming soon!).
If you have additional questions, please email IC Customer Service at any time.
IC 2025 Standard Package (Thursday–Monday): $1,389 USD
IC 2025 Standard Package + February Executives Conference (Wednesday–Monday): $1,644 USD
IC 2025 Standard Package + Global Ambassadors Week (Wednesday–Monday): $1,644 USD
IC 2025 Standard Package + IC Advance: (Wednesday–Monday): $1,644 USD
We are grateful to BBYO's generous supporters who have made it possible to keep our rates close to those of IC 2024 while increasing scholarship opportunities for delegates. Pricing reflects the full IC experience including but not limited to hotel, meals, giveaways, access to all events, concert tickets, transportation to offsite programs, and more. Program cost does not include transportation to/from Denver.
Scholarship is available to all delegates and interested families should apply after registering for the event.
Information about IC Scholarship can be found here. Delegates are encouraged to register early as we anticipate IC will sell out quickly! Delegates can begin to apply for scholarships as soon as they register. Scholarship is based on financial need. The first round of applications is due by Tuesday, October 22, 2024, and we will notify all families of their award no later than Thursday, October 31, 2024. After first round applications have been submitted, IC scholarship is based on rolling submission and availability of funds.
Many communities, chapters, councils, and regions also have local funds available to support interested attendees. Please contact your local community for information. Additional scholarship opportunities may be available for Canadian delegates. Please connect with your Canadian regional office for more information. Delegates from outside North America should be in touch with local BBYO staff or partner agency professionals for scholarship information. Our goal is to ensure that every Aleph and BBG who wants to attend IC is able to join us.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | IC registration night ($250 minimum deposit due at registration)
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | IC scholarship application due
Thursday, October 31, 2024 | IC scholarship announced
Thursday, November 7, 2024 | $450 payment due
Thursday, November 7, 2024 | Last day to cancel from IC with a full refund. Payments are non-transferable.
Thursday, December 5, 2024 | Payment due in full, medical forms due, travel form due
Thursday, December 5, 2024 | Last day to cancel from IC with a $250 cancellation fee
Friday, December 6, 2024 | All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable
Monday, January 13, 2025 | Last day to register for IC 2025 (pending availability)
To cancel your registration, email
Registration will go live on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 (and will remain open until January 13 or until we are sold out). Spots are available to all BBYO members in 9th–12th grade who are in good standing. For a detailed explanation on how teen registration and waitlists will work for IC 2025, please review our IC 2025 Registration & Waitlist Policies.
Delegates who register for IC are required to pay a minimum $250 deposit (although they may pay more when they register), which is fully refundable through Thursday, November 7, 2024. Here are options for registration:
You Can Register Online: If you have an issue registering online, you can submit a request for help by emailing the IC Customer Service Team.
You Can Register in Person: See if your community is hosting an IC registration party. Grab a friend, your laptop, and a method of payment, and head over to your local launch party this fall!
You Can Register (and Get Help) by Phone: Call centers are set up across North America to help with any registration challenges. The IC hotline for assistance is +1 (202) 507-7266. There may be a waiting period, but BBYO professionals and volunteers will be standing by to help as quickly as possible.
Please Note: IC registration is not done through myBBYO. You will be able to register for IC here.
Please email the IC Customer Service Team or call us at +1 (202) 507-7266 with any questions about registration.
We anticipate BBYO International Convention (IC) 2025 being sold out. A waitlist may exist and it is possible that every teen who wishes to participate in IC 2025 may not be able to do so.
Teens on the waitlist will be eligible to register for IC as space becomes available and in accordance with our IC 2025 Registration and Waitlist Policies. The schedule for waitlist updates will be as follows:
On October 18th we will be notifying a group of waitlist participants and parent(s) via email that they will have an opportunity to register for IC, and they will have 48 hours to do so.
After November 14th, the date the second IC payment is due for those who are currently registered for the event, we will determine how many additional spots are available to accommodate teens remaining on the waitlist in accordance with BBYO's IC 2025 Registration and Waitlist Policies.
Once again, after December 5th, the date the final IC payment is due for those who are currently registered for the event, we will do another assessment of how many available spots there are to accommodate any additional teens on the waitlist in accordance with BBYO's IC 2025 Registration and Waitlist Policies.
Please email the IC Customer Service Team or call us at +1 (202) 507-7266 with any questions about waitlist policies for IC.
You can modify your registration and submit additional payment and travel information in the IC Registration System once you have registered. Please keep your registration confirmation email as it includes your IC Confirmation Number. Balance payments can be made via credit card or echeck. All credit card charges will incur a 3% processing fee.
After a participant makes their initial $250 deposit, they will have the option to pay the outstanding funds by credit card or echeck. All credit card charges will incur a 3% processing fee. This fee is non-refundable, even if a participant cancels their registration.
To modify or cancel your registration, email
When I arrive at the airport, where do I go?
Starting at 9:00 AM MST on both arrival days, BBYO staff and IC volunteers will be stationed throughout Denver International Airport (DEN) baggage claim wearing colorful BBYO vests and holding BBYO signs. Specific information about what delegates should do upon their arrival at the airport will be provided directly to all registered delegates and their families via email a few days ahead of IC. BBYO Staff will be available in the airport until 5:30 PM MST.
What happens if my flight is delayed?
BBYO staff will be monitoring flights to stay up to date on any delays or cancellations and to ensure all delegates arrive at the hotel safely. Specific information on who to contact about flight changes and delays will be provided directly to all registered delegates and their families via email a few days ahead of IC.
What do I do if I get to the airport and can’t find staff?
BBYO staff and IC volunteers will be stationed throughout Denver International Airport (DEN) baggage claim wearing colorful BBYO vests and holding BBYO signs. If you are having trouble locating a member of our team you can reach out to our direct hotline. The hotline number will be provided in an email to all registered delegates and their families a few days ahead of IC.
How long until I leave the airport for the hotel?
Shuttles will begin to head to the IC hotel between after 10:30 AM MST on all arrival days. Upon arrival at the hotel, teens will go through the IC check-in process. Hotel rooms may not be ready at the time of a teen's arrival, but luggage will be safely stored and there will be programming, restaurants, and cafes available for delegates to enjoy until their room is ready. Shuttles will be on a loop throughout the day and delegates may need to wait in the airport until the shuttle returns. We encourage all delegates to bring a little extra spending money for airport snacks/meals. Please note that dinner will be the first meal provided.
Delegates will be staying at a hotel in Denver. For security purposes, the name of the hotel will not be released until a few days before IC.
Delegates will have the opportunity to go offsite for specific Friday and/or Sunday programming in Denver. All offsite activities will be supervised by IC staff. Delegates are not permitted to leave the hotel under any circumstances without supervision.
BBYO has partnered with CampDoc for our families to easily upload health records, insurance, immunizations, and medications/allergies for all BBYO programs. Upon registration for IC, you will receive an email from CampDoc with access information to your profile. A delegate’s account must be 100% completed to attend IC.
Please note, every delegate is required to provide a copy of a physical received with dates between February 5, 2024–February 5, 2025). The BBYO medical form can be found through a teen’s CampDoc profile. While BBYO does not require you to use our specific form (your form can be from a school or sports physical in the last year), as long as it is signed by a medical professional and submitted on time, we will accept it.
For questions about Campdoc, contact the IC Customer Service Team.
Teens are responsible for their own medication at IC. Some over-the-counter medications will be available in the Medical Center, but teens should bring and hold on to any medication they anticipate needing throughout the convention. This policy is specific to IC and does not necessarily reflect other overnight events.
IC hosts a full medical team of professional nurses, mental health professionals, and doctors onsite. If a delegate requires medical attention, an IC staff member can assist them in contacting a member of the Medical Team.
In case of an emergency, BBYO will utilize the nearest hospital. If additional information or out-of-hotel medical services are needed, a member of the IC Leadership Team will contact the delegate's parent or guardian. BBYO recommends that all delegates bring a copy of their health insurance information to carry with them during offsite programming.
Our Mental Health and Wellness Team is available for support throughout the convention.
Haga clic aquí para consultar nuestros protocolos sanitarios y de seguridad actuales, incluida la información sobre vacunas.
BBYO se esfuerza por crear un entorno en el que todos los adolescentes judíos puedan explorar y cultivar su identidad judía. Una de las formas en que promovemos este crecimiento es a través del encuentro con nuevas tradiciones, creencias y prácticas, y la interacción con otras personas de diferentes orígenes y perspectivas. Tendremos espacios y programas de Shomer Shabat desde la puesta de sol del viernes hasta la Havdalah del sábado.
Delegates will be mostly indoors, however, during free time and specific onsite and offsite programs, there is an opportunity for delegates to be outdoors. Casual clothing like jeans and t-shirts are appropriate for most of IC. Delegations will often dress in themed attire as they compete for the coveted Max F. Baer Spirit Gavel and the Anita M. Perlman Spirit Cup. Delegations will provide information if there is anything special a participant should bring with them to IC.
Proper attire at BBYO programs involves clothing that is neat, clean, and in good repair. We want you to be able to express yourself and be true to your individual style while adding to our environment of leadership, learning, and community. Clothing that detracts from that environment is not allowed.
Directrices generales para toda la ropa
Ninguna prenda de vestir puede llevar un logotipo o mensaje que sea contrario a los valores de BBYO ni tener palabras, imágenes o símbolos relacionados con las drogas o el alcohol.
Los pantalones cortos, las faldas y los vestidos deben cubrir la parte trasera y no deben dejar al descubierto ninguna prenda interior.
Toda la ropa debe cubrir adecuadamente el vientre, la espalda y el pecho.
La ropa no puede mostrar la ropa interior de ninguna manera (ya sea porque la ropa es transparente, no se ajusta correctamente -es decir, demasiado holgada- o no cumple los requisitos indicados anteriormente).
It is a tradition at IC to wear clothing on Friday night that is nicer than what we wear the rest of the weekend, as Shabbat is a special and sacred time. We encourage people to dress nicely in a way that helps them feel special and sacred over Shabbat. Some examples include:
Caquis o vaqueros de vestir sin agujeros
Camisas abotonadas o un top bonito similar
Faldas o vestidos largos
Por favor, recuerde que es importante vestir respetuosamente para el Shabat cada semana - las directrices generales para vestir todavía se aplican. El código de vestimenta para el sábado, durante el día, es informal. El sábado por la noche, durante el Estado de la Orden y Havdalah (cuando terminamos el Shabat), es tradicional vestir más elegante que la típica ropa informal.
Use the packing information below to prepare for IC.
The Essentials:
You need enough clothing for 4-5 days, but please remember that you will be sharing a hotel room with others, and space is limited. It is highly recommended to label your belongings!
Outerwear: Bring a coat or warm jacket for any outdoor activities
T-Shirts: Bring 5-6 casual shirts & 1-2 nice shirts
Pants/Shorts: For walking around & daily activities We recommend enough pants/shorts to last 5-6 days
Sweatshirt & Sweatpants: Hotel air conditioning could be cold
Underwear & Socks: We recommend enough underwear & socks to last 5-6 days
Pajamas: We recommend enough PJs to last 5-6 days
Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, soap, facewash, bodywash, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, razors, contact lenses, solution, eye drops, and case, feminine hygiene products, chapstick
Footwear: Delegates will be on their feet a lot of the day and having comfortable shoes is important. Think about bringing running shoes and a pair of nice shoes for Friday
Travel Documents: Be sure to bring and secure your photo ID if you are flying to IC. We recommend bringing two copies just in case you misplace anything, as well as a photo of your ID on your cell phone.
Phone & Charger: Be sure to bring any needed chargers
Prescription Glasses/Contact Lenses: If needed
Medications: This can include EpiPen, inhaler, prescriptions, etc.
Other: Kippah, Tallit, and Tefillin (if desired), AZA and BBG pins, money for cash concessions sold throughout convention
Recomendaciones específicas para cada día:
Thursday: Travel outfit, BBYO regional/council spirit clothing
Friday: Casual clothing for during the day, bag to go offsite (if participating in LEADS Day or AZAA/BBGG Sports and Wellness day), workout/sports clothing, cleats/shin guards, sneakers (if participating in AZAA/BBGG Sports and Wellness Day), and Shabbat clothing
Sábado: Ropa informal durante el día y traje del Estado de la Orden
Sunday: Casual clothing with comfortable shoes for offsite programming
Specific to Denver: Denver and the hotel space could get cold or hot depending on the day so make sure to pack layers
Items BBYO Does Not Recommend and is Not Responsible For: Luggage that is not easily carried, expensive jewelry or other valuables, and expensive electronics (speakers, laptops, iPads, and smartwatches)
You may bring food with you; however, homemade baked goods are prohibited. Bags will be checked upon arrival. Please do not bring any food products containing nuts, meat, or shellfish.
Note that drones and hoverboards are strictly prohibited from all BBYO programs.
Delegates can submit one roommate request via their IC registration profile when the survey becomes available in December. IC roommates must be arriving on the same day and must request each other, or all delegates will be assigned roommates randomly. Delegates may not request more than one roommate. There is no guarantee delegates will be matched with their request, but BBYO will try to fulfill all requests. Otherwise, delegates are roomed randomly at IC. Every effort is made to ensure that delegates are comfortable in their rooms and most delegates are paired with someone from their home community and/or a delegate who is in the same grade. While BBYO does not allow for room changes, any serious rooming issues should be brought to the IC staff’s attention right away.
During registration, delegates can pay for an upgrade to a two-person (double) hotel room, instead of the standard four-person (quad) room. Double rooms are based on availability. If requesting a roommate, both delegates must be signed up for a double room to be assigned as roommates together. The additional cost will be $300 for IC only and $375 for IC + February Executives or IC + Advance.
All meals provided at IC are either vegetarian (containing dairy) or kosher meat meal. All meat served at IC is kosher, and we don't mix milk and meat, however, the kitchen is not supervised. All meals are nut-free. The following meals will be available in the dining room for any delegate who notes a dietary restriction in their IC Registration:
All meals must be picked up at a specific meal station in the dining room at the beginning of meals. If you have food concerns, please see a member of the special meals team at IC.
If you have questions in advance of IC, email the IC Customer Service Team.
Delegates will also have access to hotel cafes and restaurants during designated times and can order what they like per their individual needs (Kosher options will be available). All arrangements are explicitly between the customer and the hotel venue they are ordering food from and some services may be credit card-only. Late-night food orders will be placed through the IC App and must be placed by a certain time each day. Orders placed after the deadline will not be honored.
Se aconseja a los delegados que lleven una pequeña cantidad de dinero para gastos al CI. Durante el tiempo libre, los delegados pueden tener la opción de comprar bocadillos con dinero en efectivo, además de los bocadillos que les proporciona BBYO. BBYO Además, los delegados pueden optar por comprar artículos en el IC Shuk (mercado) que muestra el "swag" y la ropa de los capítulos, consejos, regiones y países de la Orden Internacional. Los artículos en el IC Shuk suelen costar entre 10 y 45 dólares. Los delegados pueden traer dinero en efectivo, tarjetas de débito o crédito, o ApplePay.
BBYO has a minimum supervision ratio of 15 delegates to every adult. All of BBYO’s professional IC staff have had background checks and are trained to work with delegates and keep them safe. As a reminder, delegates have signed a Code of Conduct and Community Standards agreement upon registering for BBYO membership. This indicates their full understanding of BBYO’s behavioral expectations. Should a delegate choose to act outside of BBYO’s Code of Conduct, the incident will be addressed by the appropriate staff members.
BBYO believes in a culture of respect. When it comes to relationships between participants, we require that all participants conduct themselves in a respectful manner and affirmative consent is required. BBYO's policy on healthy relationships and what will happen in the event of an allegation of non-consensual touching or harassment for this year will be released before registration.
BBYO has a zero-tolerance approach to any violation of the Code of Conduct and any disciplinary matter that comes to the attention of IC staff. If a delegate is dismissed from IC for disciplinary reasons or Code of Conduct violations, BBYO will arrange for travel home immediately, at the delegate’s expense and without a refund.
Los delegados no podrán abandonar el programa desde la hora de llegada hasta la hora en que concluya el CI. Todos los participantes tienen estrictamente prohibido salir del recinto del hotel.
Los delegados deben asistir y ser puntuales a todos los programas y sesiones programadas, incluidas las comidas.
Delegates must act respectfully toward fellow delegates, guests, and staff. Vulgar language and inappropriate gestures—even jokingly—will not be tolerated. This applies to the use of social media. BBYO will be joined by many guests representing a plurality of opinions and associations. While they are in our "home," we will be good hosts and always show respect.
No se tolerará ninguna conducta que ponga en peligro la seguridad, la moral, la salud o el bienestar de los demás.
Bajo ninguna circunstancia un adolescente debe compartir, vender o intercambiar medicamentos de cualquier tipo, ya sean de venta libre o con receta.
Los comportamientos que resultarán en el despido inmediato incluyen:
Conduct that endangers the safety, health, or welfare of the teen and/or others
Conduct or threats of conduct that are violent
Possession of fireworks, firearms or other items considered to be weapons and/or anything potentially harmful to others
Bullying, hazing, and other actions taken with the intent of harming others
Theft or causing intentional damage to hotel or other’s property
Consumption or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping products or materials, edibles, or any substance used to create an unnatural high
Causar daños a uno mismo
Tattooing or piercing oneself or others or receiving tattoos or piercings or other forms of self-modification
Being in a sleeping area(s) that you are not assigned to at any time
Leaving a BBYO program without permission of staff
Repeated “non-consensual intimate contact”
"Sexual harassment"
“Sexual activity”
The most common Code of Conduct violations and consequences can be found here.
The safety and security of our teens, staff, and guests at BBYO International Convention are our top priority and BBYO implements various measures to ensure every participant is safe.
All policies, procedures, and protective measures are implemented in full collaboration with world-renowned security services that keep some of the American government's highest-profile events safe as well as with all local, state, and national police and intelligence bureaus. Below are some of the key measures we are putting in place:
As we do every year, we have contracted with a private security company to oversee the coordination and implementation of security at IC, which includes inside and outside the hotel and to any of our offsite locations.
Estamos en contacto permanente con las fuerzas de seguridad locales y el FBI, que trabajarán con nosotros y nuestra empresa de seguridad para garantizar que ofrecemos una comunidad segura en todo el CI.
La seguridad del hotel también trabajará en coordinación con las fuerzas del orden locales, el FBI y nuestra empresa de seguridad para garantizar la seguridad de las zonas interiores y exteriores del hotel.
Todos los adolescentes, el personal y los invitados recibirán una tarjeta de identificación, y no se permitirá el acceso a nuestro espacio sin la debida identificación. Todos los asistentes e invitados deben estar registrados en IC; no se permiten visitantes externos en IC en ningún momento.
Please note, for security purposes, the name of the IC hotel will not be released until a few days before the event begins. If you have additional questions, information is available upon request by delegates or delegate families of registered teens. Please direct questions to the IC Customer Service Team.
Todos los asistentes e invitados deben estar inscritos en el CI; los visitantes externos no están permitidos en el CI en ningún momento.
If there is an emergency during IC, parents are encouraged to call the IC Hotline at +1 (202) 507-7266.
The IC office will be fully staffed from 8:00 AM through 10:00 PM MST every day. While our office team will be working until late at night, should you get our voicemail in the evening, please leave a message. We’ll be checking messages frequently and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact the IC Customer Service Team for more information. Please note that during high volume times, responses may take up to 24–72 business hours.