Advice for all Newly Elected Chapter Board Members

June 7, 2023
Maya Dvorchik

Springfield, New Jersey, United States

Class of 2025

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CONGRATULATIONS to all the newly elected chapter board members!! Chapter board is an amazing experience and I am so excited for each and every one of you! So far in BBYO I’ve held two chapter board positions, Achot and Mazkirah, and they were both so special in their own ways. No matter what your title is, every board position has their own unique impact and is able to make a chapter grow. The year will go by so quickly, so always make the most of your job and have fun! Something you will hear often throughout your time in BBYO, is you get out what you put in. These words are very important to remember as you begin your time on chapter board. You will gain so much from these experiences, but only if you give it your all and put in the work where it counts. Every position is important and official rankings are not what counts. Dedication is what matters, so always show up to chapter events with a smile on your face and try your best, whether you’re planning programs, recruiting new members, or posting on Instagram.

Some advice I want to give you all as you begin this journey is to always communicate. BBYO is a safe space, so never be afraid to speak your mind. If you have a great idea, share it. If you can’t attend something, inform your board. If you are struggling, ask for help. Your time as a chapter leader will be so much easier if you are able to openly communicate with your board.

Everyone takes their own path through BBYO.  No two journeys are the same, and yet each is incredible. As you become a leader within BBYO, you will learn that BBYO doesn’t have boxes, so be yourself.  Embrace the things that you enjoy and make your own legacy.

Maya Dvorchik is a BBG from T’sahal BBYO in GJHRR and she is a huge Taylor Swift fan!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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